Scrubbing Bubbles Coupons & Catalina Offer (On Kroger Mega Event Too)

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Just a reminder about the awesome deals you can score on Scrubbing Bubbles products at Kroger and Dillon’s.  There are still coupons you can print and use on the items.

Our store had them priced at $1.99 – $2.49 each on the Mega Event which runs through this week.  You have to buy any 5 items to get the special pricing.  Plus there is a Catalina deal going on too (see end of this post for those details).  When you consider the sale + coupons + catalina you can score free to nearly free cleaning products!

Here are the available coupons:

$0.75 off 1 Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush product
$0.55 off any Scrubbing Bubbles Vanish Drop-ins
$0.75 off 1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel
$0.50 off Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner
$0.50 off 1 Scrubbing Bubbles All Purpose Cleaner
$0.75 off 1 Scrubbing Bubbles Auto Cleaner Refill
$1.00 off TWO Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaners


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