So Why Is Your Facebook Name Not Changed?

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We’ve been working away like busy bees now that we have formally made the switch from Thrifty Coupon Couple to The Clever Couple, changing our name on all of our social media accounts.

That meant updating our Twitter page, Google+ page, our Facebook Group (Couponing with The Clever Couple) and our Facebook page.  I spent 1/2 the day making these changes but then I got this in my email from Facebook that stopped me in my tracks:

facebook message


14 days?

Yep, 14 days until we can officially switch the name of our Facebook page to The Clever Couple.

This change was designed to be seamless for you as our reader;  all the links you currently use have been altered to redirect you automatically to our new site.  While you can’t see the behind the scenes work that went into this plan, we realize you may find it a little confusing if you notice the Facebook page is still called Thrifty Coupon Couple.  Sorry about that – but we are waiting on Facebook.

Thanks for your understanding!


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