Spectracide $2 Coupon & Rebate = Money Maker

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There is a $2 coupon for Spectracide that you can print and score a super deal with at Walmart!

Go here to Coupons.com and print the $2 coupon (use zip 84123 to find it).  Then print the rebate form found here.

The Bug Stop is priced at $2.88 at Walmart (prices may vary a tiny bit depending on your area).

Buy 2 at $2.88

Use (2) $2/1 coupons

Pay $1.76 & submit for the $2 rebate

Final price:  $0.24 money maker!

If you can get access to a 2nd computer to print a 3rd coupon, you could do this deal:

 Buy 3 at $2.88

Use (3) $2/1 coupons

Pay $2.64 & submit for the $4 rebate

Final price:  $1.36 money maker!

*Keep in mind, if you submitted the rebate in May, you can not do it again.  Also, we suggest buying other items when you check out so that your receipt has more than just the Bug Stop on it.  That way there will be no question or issues with the rebate at the company.  Sometimes companies like to deny rebates if you use coupons to turn it into a money maker.  With various items on the receipt, they will have no way of knowing which items you used the coupons on.

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