Super Hefty Trash Bag Deal at Meijer – $2.99

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This is the best deal we have seen in a long time on trash bags and we happen to need them, so it is perfect timing!!

Hefty bags are not on sale at Meijer right now, but there is a $3 Meijer mPerks manufacturer’s coupon (good on 18-45 count) you can load and a $2 Target printable Hefty coupon that you can use as well.  Per their coupon policy you can use a manufacturer’s coupon and a competitor coupon on one item.

We’ll be picking up the 45 count of tall kitchen bags and paying just $2.99 after the 2 coupons!


Our deal scenario:

Hefty tall kitchen bags, 45 count @$7.99 (regular price)

Use the $2 Target coupon

Use the $3 mPerks mfg. coupon

Final price:  $2.99


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