Target Coupon Stack – Save $2 on Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste

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Hooray!  We have a stacking opportunity for you to do at Target.  What is a stack?  It is when you use a Target coupon (good only at Target & will have the Target bullseye logo on it) AND a manufacturer’s coupon.

Target lets you do this and it is a GREAT way to save big!

Print this coupon:  $1.00 off (1) 4-oz. Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief

Take it to Target along with the $1/1 Colgate mfg. coupon from the 1/15/12 SmartSource coupon insert

*We are not sure of the price of this toothpaste at the time of writing this post, but since this will likely run out of prints quickly we wanted to pass along the information ASAP!



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