Video Proof: An Extreme Couponer in our Local Kroger – 91% Savings

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We were at Kroger last night, very late….in fact we were the last customer to check out and they had to unlock the door to let us out!  Yep, they were probably not to thrilled, but they were kind to our face.  Interestingly enough about 10 minutes into our shopping adventure Jim had to run back to the car for a couple coupons we had forgotten.  As he made his way back into the store and found me, he told me a hubby and wife were checking out with 5 carts of groceries.  Too cool!

We kept tabs on them a little bit as we shopped, and noticed it took a while (a long while) for them to check out.  They had a mix of manufacturer’s coupons and printable coupons.  We were going to go and talk to them and see if they wanted to do a quick interview but they seemed a bit frazzled and putting ourselves in their shoes we probably wouldn’t want to be distracted by people talking to us if we were checking out with such a huge order.

However, the cashier that ran up their sale was parading around with the store copy of the receipt as the store was closing (again, keep in mind we were the last customers there , it was quiet and they were pretty tired after a long day…).  Anyway, check out what he had to say about the deal:

She save about 91%…awesome! It was super fun to see the glimmer of delight in their eyes. It was refreshing too to see the Kroger employees happy for her. We really enjoy Kroger!

Why Wait for the Sunday Paper? Print Free Coupons Anytime


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