Walmart Pricing Fiasco – Update (We Are Now $10 Richer)

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Well if you were near a computer on Wednesday you probably saw posts for crazy cheap items at including $29 ride on cars, $7 high chairs and more.  We told you about some of those deals.

As suspected, the pricing was due to a glitch in their system and most orders have been cancelled.  Some people were lucky enough to get the items that they ordered.  We were 50% lucky;  one of our orders was cancelled but the other was fulfilled and we picked up our $7 high chair yesterday at Walmart!  With a niece that is expecting, this was perfect timing.

Check your email to see if Walmart sent you a cancellation notice.  One awesome thing that Walmart has decided to do for customers with cancelled orders is to reward them with a $10 Walmart gift card.   That is a nice gesture, one that is costing them a lot of money.  They did not have to do that.  We like to think of it as good customer service;  we are now $10 richer than we were before!

Here is what our email said:



And this is what arrived early this morning via email:




We wanted to update you about this situation.  We know many of you ordered items, and we also know that there is a thrill in the hunt of a great deal.  With online deals, sometimes you win and sometimes  you loose.  It’s up to you how you look at the end result.

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