Week 40 of the 52 Week Saving Challenge – Deposit Time

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So it is Friday, and that means another week finished on the 52 Week Saving Challenge!  It is week #40.

If you are wondering what the 52 Week Saving Challenge is, you can find out more here.



52 Week Saving Challenge

It has been such a blessing to have this savings account build and build, don’t you agree?  It is not always easy, but it does feel good when you manage to stash away that deposit each week.   Saving money is not easy but hopefully you are finding this weekly challenge a bit easier to stick to.

It is week 40!

If you are participating in the 52 week Saving Challenge we told you about here that it is time to make this week’s deposit.

The amount for week 40 is $40,  or $13 if you decided to work backwards.


Remember, at the end of the year all participants will end up with $1378 in their savings accounts!


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