We’re Headed to Cedar Point This Weekend

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Well hooray for long weekend vacations!  Hooray for connecting with fellow writers and sharing information.

Hooray for memories!

This Friday we are leaving for Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio, and we are super excited.  We’re taking along two of our nieces and nephews and the fun part is they don’t even know (yet).  It’s a super suprise!


We are excited to share the roller coaster capital of the world with the kids and to see the two new rides that opened this year.  Pipe Scream looks like fun;  a roller coaster and flat ride all in one!



Lake Erie Eagles looks like fun too, and you can control the speed from mild to wild, which I like!  (Um, mild please!).



You can check out all the new changes at Cedar Point for 2014.

We’ll be staying at the Cedar Point property Breakers Express, so we will be sure and report back to you about our stay there as well as the park experience.  We are SO excited!


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