What do you mean they are EXPIRED?

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OK, Houston we have a problem.  It’s a Rite-Aid problem, and this one hurts.


We had an average of 14 cars at any 1 given time at the sale! Amazing.

You may or may not know that the past couple of weeks have been a real whirlwind around here for us;  we had a family friend pass away as well as it was our 8th annual garage sale weekend.  Our friend’s spouse needed some extra care, and the garage sale is a massive event.  We’re talking 400 cars (cars, not customers….probably more like 600-800 customers as hardly anyone comes alone), 2 parking attendants and 2400 sq. feet of “stuff”.  It takes ages to set up and we are grateful for the time our amazing family members devote to making it run smoothly!  We could never do it without them!  Here is a link to the online information we advertised before the sale:  8th annual sale

Anyway, with all of this going on we had not made a dedicated effort to shop at Rite-Aid in about a week and a half.  We were just too busy!  Well, Sunday we were doing our coupon match ups which included Rite Aid and we were so upset to find that 6 Rite Aid +UP rewards had expired on the 28th!  Yes, one day prior!  We are talking over $20 in rewards….free money down the tubes!

We went to Rite Aid to inquire if they would still let us use them towards a purchase but we were told that was not possible.  We may call corporate to double check, but in our heart of hearts, we are pretty sure we are out of luck.

So, let this be a lesson to you.  Check those reward expiration dates!  Walgreens, Rite Aid, etc–do not let free money expire!




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