Why We Love Ebates – And You Will Too (Cash Back on Things You Buy)

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We love, love, love Ebates!  Do you belong?  If not you are missing the boat on one of the easiests ways on the Internet to save money, and we are all about saving money!

The way it works is that you sign up for an Ebates account (for free).  Then, when you go to buy anything on line you get in the habit of always going to Ebates website first.  Once you are there, you just type in the search box what you are looking for and if they are offering cash back it will show you the results.

You simply click on the link on Ebates (very important) and then shop as usual on the website.  Ebates cash back is automatically credited to your account.  It’s amazing how quick and easy this is!

Here is a snapshot of our account:

They also offer special coupon on the site for retail stores.

Your cash back is paid out 4 times a year, and as long as your balance is over $5.01, you will receive a check (or payment via Paypal which is what we opt for).  If you have $5.01 or under it will carry over until the next pay period.  You can read more about the payments on the Ebates FAQ page

Sign up for your account here and start earning cash back!


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