1 Case of 10 Reems of HammerMill Copy Plus Copy Paper $5.29 Delivered

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Update:  This deal is no longer working;  there is no online discount code being generated.

This is a crazy deal from Staples, one that involves combining coupon codes but it’s worth a little extra work – $5.29 for a reem of paper is crazy!

1)  Go here to generate a code for a $25 coupon.  Don’t print the coupon, just jot down the 16 digit code.  Open this in a browser other than the one you will open to order your paper.  (Or if you already have the $25 code from a couple weeks ago, use that).


2)  Go here and add 1 case of the HammerMill Copy Plus Copy Paper to your cart.  Click & remove the instant savings coupon.

3)  Add coupon code 65803

4)  Add your 16 digit code worth $25

Complete checkout.  Shipping is free!

Your screen will look like this, before checkout:



Then when you complete checkout your total will be $4.99 + sales tax.  Our total was $5.29!



  1. trying to order paper….it says coupon for online ordering is temporarily out of order..is anyone else having problems ?

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