Request New IKEA Catalog – 2016

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We love, love,  love IKEA. Do you shop there? The nearest one to us is about 2-2.5 hours away so we don’t go very often but when we do, we enjoy it.

There is a new 2016 IKEA catalog coming out (you can download the digital version now), and the printed version will be mailed soon. I enjoy pouring over the pages of the catalog, probably similar to how I poured over the Toy Book catalog from Sears when I was a kid. Sometimes I even circle the items I have my eye on!

Want a copy of the catalog? Request new IKEA catalog here.


You are welcome!

Oh, and make sure you sign up for the free IKEA Family loyalty card (not a credit card) to gain access to member perks and enjoy free coffee every time you shop!


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