Another FREE Ruby Tuesday Burger Offer!

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Wow, Ruby Tuesday is rocking the free offers lately.  We told you last week about the free burger offer, and now they have launched another FREE burger offer!

You have to log in with Facebook and like their page to request the coupon.  We believe you need to purchase 2 drinks to use the coupon, but they do not have to be alcoholic drinks and you’d most likely buy a drink any way when you dine in, right?  They will email you the coupon to print.

We’ve requested ours;  request yours today!


  1. requesting free burger

  2. Gina Garland says

    I signed up this morning and I still haven’t received my coupon. My niece got hers right away.

    • You may want to check your spam filter (junk mail). Depending on your settings, your computer may have thought the email was junk mail.

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