Breaking News! Rite Aid Video Values Are Discontinued

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Wowza!  I attempted to go to Rite Aid’s Video Values page this morning and couldn’t find it.


So, I did a little research and it seems that Rite Aid has ended the Video Values program.  If you have coupons that you printed they will be honored in the store, but if you failed to print the coupons you earned, you are out of luck.

I assume this is due to the coming changes as Rite Aid gets ready to roll out the new Plenti program on May 4th.


We told you about the new Rite Aid Plenti program here, in case you missed the news.

Rite Aid’s new Plenti points are earned in the same way as +UPs and offer the same savings. You will be able to use your Plenti points after 6:00am the day after you earned them (just like UP Rewards now).  It seems at a glance that the savings really isn’t changing, it is just going to look different.   I am sure it will take us all a little while to adjust.

For example, if today you were to earn a $2 +UP on a qualifying purchase at Rite Aid, in May, you will earn 200 Plenti points on that qualifying purchase. Plenti points can be used for savings at Rite Aid as well as certain other Plenti partners. One huge change is that you have at least two years to use Plenti points! (No more 2 week expiration time like with the current Up Rewards).  That is a nice benefit.

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