Did You Get These Freebies at Walgreens Yet? No Coupons Needed

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Did you get these freebies at Walgreens this week?  All 3 of these are free after Register Rewards or rebate (the Cardio Juice is a mail in rebate).

Cepacol is $2.99 and you get $3 back in RR

The Coldcalm is $6.99 and you get $7 back in RR

Woo-hoo!  You can do this as many times as you like this week, which is why we love Wags.  **EXCEPT for the Cardio Juice, which is one rebate per household.

*Just don’t use the RR from that product to buy another one or your new RR will not print!!


  1. YES, I did thank you very much !

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