DIY Thrifty Plastic Bag Pourer With Cap – Using a Bottle To Store Rice, Beans, Candy & More

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Do you love new ideas for things?  Do you know what you can do with an empty plastic bottle?  We do!  Jim converts them into plastic bag caps for items like candies, rice, beans, etc.

Watch his video showing how to do it:


By using these to store food items it helps to keep them fresher, longer.  It is also much easier to pour out what you need using the “spout” that is created.

You can use a plastic water bottle, an empty energy drink bottle (these have a wider mouth, better for items that are bigger like M&M’s!).  Make sure it is clean and cut off about 3-4 inches of it:


Then, slide this over the bag and fold down an inch or two of the plastic.  Screw on the top and you are all set!  As you use more of the item slide down the bottle piece to keep a tight seal.

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  1. Great ideas here!

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