Enter to Win a Kindle Fire

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Everyone likes to be liked….and we LIKE you! 

To prove it we are going to give away a Kindle Fire to one lucky person…it could be you!
Kindle Fire: upright, angled view
Credit given to Amazon for photo
Give Oh Giveaway, Oh My Gosh Beck, Military Wives SavingsSimplified Saving and The Clever Couple have teamed up with some other great bloggers to present this giveaway to you! We like to keep things simple. So all you have to do to enter to win this AWESOME prize is answer one easy question on the rafflecopter form below: What is your name and the best email address to reach you at if you win the Kindle Fire? Easy, right?

It only takes one entry to enter to win but completing the extra entries will increase your odds! You literally have hundreds of chances to get your name in the drawing! The winning entry will be confirmed, so please make sure you do the task before hitting enter! 

We recently read comments on what the least favorite task to do in order to enter a giveaway was….the number 1 answer was “Liking 50 Facebook pages that I am not interested in for only 25 bonus entries!” You spoke and we listened! So for this giveaway each participating blogger is listed individually. Choose to like the ones that might interest you and submit those entries. Or better yet, like them all, get every possible entry in for the great prize; then if in a weeks time you feel your news feed is too clogged, just adjust the notifications. You can hide the posts from your news feed by clicking on the little gadget (star like button) and then adjust accordingly. It is easy to do and better than un-liking a page. Remember you can fill out as many or as few extra entries as you want on the Rafflecopter form!

This giveaway will run from 12:01 am on May 10th to 11:59 pm (eastern time) on May 24th. You can tweet and share this giveaway daily for extra entries…so come back daily to increase your chances! The winner will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn! This giveaway is open to the continental US only. Sorry-international people….shipping is a bugger!

Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for sharing this giveaway. I just like to share! 

If you don’t see the rafflecopter form below please click the “Read more” link

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Patrycja Chudziak says

    My mother-in-law! She’s been begging us to get her one, she’s been sick a lot this year and would like it so she can read when shes admitted in the hospital.

  2. It would be a gift for my best friend!

  3. Gailya Keller says

    Thanks for the wonderful chance!!

  4. Rebecca L. says

    my mom

  5. I think my husband and I would use it equally. Though, if I won and was able to catch it in the mail before he saw it, I may just tuck it away and give it to him as a gift. 😉

  6. For my 8 year old daughters birthday. She is very much against the using of trees if not necessary and loves to read. This would be great for her and easier to manage than a desk computer that she does her reading on.

  7. My environmentally aware daughter.

  8. Brenda L says

    Me! 🙂

  9. nettie k says

    my niece

  10. I would use it the most!!! That is, if my 4 year old doesn’t take it over! LOL. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!

  11. Sheryl Cronin says

    I would be the only one to use it!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Terri Van Reese says

    I’m sure it will commandeered by one of my kids!

  13. Jennifer Crooks says

    I think that my daughter would get the most use out of this. She is graduating tomorrow night & the college she is starting in the fall actually offers text book that are downloadable. Thanks for the chance to win!

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