Free Nivea Body Wash at Dollar General?

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Wow, we just read on Hip2Save that a reader there scored on Nivea Body Wash at her Dollar General.  I was going to hit our Dollar General later on to see for myself, but I do not have a $2 Nivea body wash coupon.  I have a $1 one, but that isn’t enough to make me crazy for the deal.

However, if I had the $2 coupon, you can bet your bonnet I’d be there!  Again, I have not actually done this deal– I am just passing it along (the Hip2Save post did show the shopper’s receipt and it definitely showed them ringing up at $2!).

She bought the 8.4 ounce body wash for $2 and used the $2 coupon from the 7/31/11 RedPlum insert, making it FREE.

Let us know if this deal works for you!  (You should have the cashier price check the body wash prior to checking out….just to be sure and save yourself the frustration).


  1. shannoncantu-dinet says

    mine in beaumont texas is 2.75 booo but thanks

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