Free Tide Stain Release Samples Every Day Until 6/23

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Wow, this offer is back and it is a GREAT one.  We just received our sample in the mail from when we signed up previously and it is a big bag of the stain release tablets plus another sample of Tide liquid plus a high value coupon.

Don’t miss this!

Tide on Facebook is giving away 25,000 samples each day up to and including 6/23.

6/21:  12 noon eastern

6//22:  2pm eastern

6/23:  8pm eastern

“like” the Tide Facebook page and then click the The Challenge tab on the left.  Be ready….they go fast!


  1. […] Tide has a great sample offer going on, and you can sign up for it today (6/22) or tomorrow (6/23) on Tide on Facebook.  They are only giving away 25,000 a day and they go quick!   (We originally told you about this the other day, if it sounds familiar…) […]

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