How To Change The Zip Code on To Find The Coupons You Want

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Have you noticed the changes over at  It’s a little trickier to pinpoint a certain zip code when you are looking for a coupon so we wanted to take the time to explain how to do it.  As you know, sometimes awesome coupons are only in a certain zip code so it is important you know how to change the zip code.

When you visit, the main page now has tabs at the top.  Click the tab that says “local coupons” as shown below:

Once you click the “local coupons” tab you will see something similar to what is shown below.  There is where you enter the zip code you are looking for and then click the small orange arrow button.

You may get a message appearing on the screen that there are no offers available, and that is OK.  We are not really looking for offers on this page, we are just changing the zip code to alter the coupons.  Click back to the coupons page by clicking on “coupons” as shown below.

That is all there is to it!

Happy printing!



  1. I thought really messed up their site because I didn’t know you could still search by zip. Thank you soooo much for explaining this to us!!!

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