Mega Hot Lunchables Coupon – $1/2

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There is a new coupon out for $1 off 2 Lunchables Lunch Combinations with Fruit (use zip code 90210)

The coupon says Supercenter on the top, but it is a manufacture’s coupon, so it can be redeemed anywhere coupons are accepted.

You can print this twice from each computer.


  1. Linda Meyer says

    If you provide the zip code address and we go there, but the coupon is not there, do we assume they are all gone? I really would have liked to have gotten the Lunchable coupon for my daughter. It makes a nice little lunch (occasionally) for our Logan.

    • Linda,

      Pretty much, except in the rare instance it goes away and then comes back. This week the printable coupons site has been acting a bit odd, and things seem to be disappearing quickly. As in the case for this Lunchables, I did some searching around for it just now and do not see it in the 5 or so zip codes I looked. Sorry you missed it!

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