Missing Coupon Inserts? Always Check Before You Buy

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We’ve noticed an increasing issue with missing newspaper inserts in our extra Sunday papers that we buy from retail stores.  Have you?

It seems to be happening more frequently too, which is sad and aggravating.  We are not talking about “missing” as in when the Sunday Coupon Preview says there will be 3 inserts and in  every local paper we only have 2.  That is something that is decided by the publishers and we have no control over that (no matter how frustrating).

We are talking about when you know there are 3 inserts in the paper and you decide to buy extra copies of the paper.  You return home from the store with your extra copies to find that one or two of them are missing the inserts!  This has happened to us more and more so we have started to check every paper at the store before we purchase it.  Yes, it is time consuming and tedious but it beats the heck out of spending $2 on the paper and coming home to find missing inserts!

Just last weekend when Kelli’s mom went out to buy 7 extra papers she decided to check them first.  Thankfully she did because of those 7, two were missing inserts!

We are not sure what is causing this to happen more frequently;  we suspect it may be due to the popularity in coupons.  Are people sneaking them out of the papers?  It sounds sad, but it may be true.

So this is just a friendly tip to all of you that buy newspapers from a retail store;  check them first before you buy.  If the inserts are missing, grab a different paper.


  1. This is soo true! Two stores by me say that they find sunday papers stuffed in various isles w/coupons missing. Sad. Also, when you check for the coupons in the store, you might want to do it in front of a cashier. I always used to check for them before coupons got so popular, but now I always feel like people are watching me thinking I’m going to steal them when I’m really just checking to be sure they are there. Your site is great! I check it everyday! 🙂

  2. Samantha Trivett says

    Last week I bought 5 papers and one was missing the inserts but had 3 Kohl’s ads in it instead. I went to the local newpaper corporate office and they gave me a free paper to replace it. I know from now on to check them though!!

  3. Nicky Jo Herner says

    That happened to me at a Menards near my home. I went on a Sunday that there were supposed to be 4 inserts. I bought 15 papers and didn’t check them. When I got home some inserts were missing in a lot of them and the inserts were different in some of them with some of the same coupons but in certain of the papers they were higher value than the others. In our paper, the Chicago Tribune, the inserts are in a plastic sleeve. Also last week, I was buying papers for the $5 off purina beyond one dog food and my husband told me to check each paper for the insert, so I did and lo and behold, there was one paper without the insert and Menards papers are only $1, so they go fast. That sunday, there weren’t many papers left by 11 AM.

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