Our Newest Addition To The Family

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Late yesterday we posted on our Facebook page the following statement: “So excited! Jim’s just left to pick up a new addition to our family. It is not alive, and it is going to make this The Clever Couple’s stockpile life easier. Any guesses?”

Our readers had a bunch of guesses at first, until our reader Kori guessed it correctly.  A freezer!

Since we have started using coupons we now have more food in our home then we ever have.  Ever.  That includes frozen foods and for about the past 2 months our freezer has been stuffed to the brim.  It’s a fine tuned puzzle and Jim does a great job of making sure everything has a home in our side by side fridge/freezer.  But recently we have passed up incredibly cheap and even free frozen foods because we know we did not have room in the freezer.  That is just silly!

Imagine our delight as we were running errands yesterday and passed a local garage sale.  Low and behold they were selling a chest freezer!  Wa-hoo!!  Yes it is second hand, but it is clean and it is now ours.  We washed it up with Clorox cleaner and now it is ready to be loaded up!  Like Jim said, who would have ever thought we would be so excited about a new freezer!  He’s right.

Any tips on how to organize your chest freezer?


  1. i’m just wondering if a lot of these couponers donate food to local shelters instead of stockpiling it. i sure hope so!

  2. Rosie, thanks for your question. Most couponers enjoy donating items to shelters, neighbors, family members and more.

    Jim and I do; we donate items to a local church. We also share with the neighbors and our family. It’s so much fun to give stuff away!

  3. thanks, kelli! that’s just the response i was looking for. i can see how using extreme couponing can become very exciting and rewarding, but i can also see folks getting items that they won’t use. it makes me happy to know that folks get these deals and then pay it forward. congrats on the new “baby”! :>)

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