Super Cheap Q-Tips at Target (No Coupons Needed)

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Wow, Target has a super deal going on for Q-Tips this week!  You don’t even need a coupon….

Buy 4 Q-Tips 175ct. packs, $1.89 each (not on sale)

Buy 4 and get a $5 Target gift card instantly in the store at checkout

So, you pay $7.56 & get a $5 Target card….making the Q-Tips .64 each when you buy 4!

Sweet deal!

Thanks Hip 2 Save!



  1. […] at Target last night to buy the Q-Tip deal (want to know how to score super cheap Q-Tips this week, check out the details in our previous post) I breezed through the girls clothing to see if there was anything adorable for my soon to be 7 […]

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