Financial Peace University Week 4 – Our Takeaway Thoughts (FPU)

Sunday before the big Super Bowl game we attended the 4th week of Financial Peace University, or FPU as it is commonly called. Week 4 – Dumping Debt This Financial Peace University class really rocked my world and got our blood pumping even MORE vigorously for this journey with money. Dave’s weekly video lesson was […]

7 Weeks Already – 52 Week Saving Challenge Reminder

Is 7 a lucky number for you? You should be feeling lucky and smart for being on board with the 52 Week Saving Challenge because at the end of the year you are going to find yourself with $1378 in the bank! Just imagine that; it is pretty powerful stuff! If you haven’t yet started, […]

Our Thoughts on FPU Week 3

Our FPU week 3 class was so very interesting – probably the best class so far in the 9 week lesson plan. This week was focused on cash flow planning which is a fancy term for budgeting. FPU Week 3 Dave is adamant that you must work off a a budget so that you tell […]

52 Week Saving Challenge Week #6

Happy Friday! This weekend is a super busy one for us with a party on Friday and Saturday, Dave Ramsey’s FPU class #4 on Sunday and then the Super Bowl! Are you crazy busy this weekend too? Don’t forget the 52 week saving challenge – it is week #6. 52 Week Saving Challenge What is […]

Our FPU Journey – Week 2 Take Away

Have you heard of FPU, Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class? We are in the midst of the 9 week class (remember we shared when we signed up for FPU here) and we assume many of you have money questions we thought we’d share with you some of the points of the class each week. […]

Our FPU Journey – Week One Thoughts

Week one is in the books of our Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class and we are looking forward to the second class in our FPU journey this weekend. Since we shared with you the fact that we were taking FPU, we thought that it may be helpful for you to hear our take away points from […]

52 Week Saving Challenge – Week #3

January is already half over; 2016 is well on it’s way. Are you ready? How would you like to have an extra $1378 sitting around at the end of 2016? Does that catch your attention? For week 3, deposit $3 or $50 if you are working backwards (see below). Want to know more? We’ve participated […]

Week 46 – Make the 52 Week Saving Challenge Deposit

This coming week is going to be very busy around here as we get ready to host Thanksgiving dinner, Kelli’s birthday party, celebrate our wedding anniversary (27 years!) and hit the stores for Black Friday shopping. Whew! What will you be up to this coming weekend? Do you have plans to host a big dinner, […]

Week 29 of the 52 Week Saving Challenge – Make Your Deposit

Another Friday, another weekend to look forward to and another reminder (nudge, suggestion, whatever you may call it…) to stay committed to the 52 Week Saving Challenge. Make your week 29 deposit – $29 (or $24 if you are working backwards). The idea behind the program is simple;  each week you deposit a set amount […]

Try Smart Money Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey For Free

We are starting to become bigger and bigger fans of Dave Ramsey and his sensible smart money way of thinking. He was a big factor in our decision to buy our new vehicle (see our almost debt free vehicle story here). We just noticed he is offering a free 1 week trial of the Smart […]