Video: Watch Our Total Go Low, Low, Low…

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We’ve posted a new video on our You Tube Channel (have you subscribed to us on You Tube?  If not, please do!) showing a glimpse into shopping with us at the register.

We hope you enjoy it!




  1. Linda Meyer says

    I have a question for you. Do you wait, wait, wait hoping to find a sale to match a coupon? (Ex. your Old Orchard juice coupon) If you don’t find it on sale will you still go ahead and use that coupon before it expires. I know ideally it’s best to wait for a product to go on sale, but that may not happen.

    • Linda,

      It depends on if it is something we’d buy normally. In the case of the Old Orchard, I wouldn’t typically buy juice so if I couldn’t team it up with a store sale I would probably not use it before it expired. But on something like Heinz Ketchup which we use a lot of (and is one of the items we are brand loyal to–we only buy Heinz Ketchup), if we had a coupon that was expiring and there was no sale I would go ahead and buy it because I know those coupons do not come out too often.

      Some items have coupons frequently, like yogurt. Some are more rare, which you have probably already noticed.

      We’ve really changed our entire way of grocery shopping to focus on buying pretty much just what is on sale/cheap/nearly free. For daily meals I look to my pantry to see what we currently have that we can create a meal from. Obviously, we need to buy meats to go with the ingredients-but you know what I mean.

      Thanks for your question!

  2. When I was watching your total DECREASE (Wow!!!) I noticed that there were scanned coupons which I assume are the clipped ones you took to the store, but there were also bonus coupons deducted. What were these? And are they specific to the store at which you were shopping?

    Great job you two!!


    • Jennifer,

      We were at Kroger, where they double up to $1. The ‘bonus” coupon you asked about is the matching doubling Kroger does. We are lucky to have a Kroger that doubles up to $1!


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