Win 7 Prizes! Flash Giveaway – Ends Tonight at Midnight Eastern

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Like contests and giveaways? The Clever Couple has teamed up with other bloggers to bring you a fabulous One Day Flash Giveaway. ONE winner takes all 7 prizes!

Giveaways run midnight to midnight or 12:00 am to 11:59 pm Eastern time 1/7/12.

Prizes Include:

  • $25 Paypal Cash
  • $5 Starbucks gift card
  • Pony Tail Holders
  • Nutra Nail Touch of Color Nail Strengthener
  • $20 Coupon Envelope
  • Kids Toothbrushes
  • Scrapbook Stickers

Easy Rafflecopter Entry: you can use your name and email to enter below (give the form a little bit to load, the site is busy).

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. been trying to load the RC for over an hour and it won’t load 🙁

    • Sorry you had a problem Sarah. Since the giveaway is over we can’t help – but thanks for letting us know of an issue.

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