WOW! Walgreens Pepsi Next 12 Packs – $0.49 Each

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Check out this awesome deal on Pepsi Next at Walgreens!

Buy 2 Pepsi Next 12 packs $2.99 each

Use $1/1 Pepsi Next 12 pack coupon from the Wags book (located by the door) – will deduct $2

Pay $3.98, get a $3 Register Reward back

Final cost:  $0.98 or $0.49 each when you buy 2!

Thanks Coupon Clippin Daddy


  1. Melissa Weiss says

    Wow awesome deal!!

  2. I don’t drink Pepsi, but I’ll be picking some up for my guests! Thanks!

    • Exactly Ashlea, what a good idea! With summer coming and cook-outs and picnics it is always good to have a stash of soda pop on hand.

  3. I LOVE Pepsi Next! I’ll have to go grab some!

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