2 Free Cans of Fancy Feast Cat Food at Petco – Printable Coupon

Thanks Petco!  You can print a coupon for 2 free cans of Fancy Feast cat food to redeem at Petco on June 24th & 25th. Use zip code 30303 if you can not see it.  You can print this twice! Don’t have a cat?  That is fine, but we are sure a neighbor or friend […]

Super Cheap Q-Tips at Target (No Coupons Needed)

Wow, Target has a super deal going on for Q-Tips this week!  You don’t even need a coupon…. Buy 4 Q-Tips 175ct. packs, $1.89 each (not on sale) Buy 4 and get a $5 Target gift card instantly in the store at checkout So, you pay $7.56 & get a $5 Target card….making the Q-Tips […]

Free Tide Stain Release Samples Every Day Until 6/23

Wow, this offer is back and it is a GREAT one.  We just received our sample in the mail from when we signed up previously and it is a big bag of the stain release tablets plus another sample of Tide liquid plus a high value coupon. Don’t miss this! Tide on Facebook is giving […]

New Newman’s Own Salad Dressing .75 Off 1 Printable Coupon

Yippee!  There is a new printable coupon for Newman’s Own Salad Dressing .75 off on Coupons.com today! (zip 770245 if you can not find it) You can print this twice from each computer.  We really like this stuff;  do you? Why Wait for the Sunday Paper? Print Free Coupons Anytime  

Can You Please Help Us?

We need your help!  Facebook has randomly picked our website, www.theclevercouple.com, as potential spam and has temporarily blocked us from posting links on our Facebook page to our money saving articles (like the one you are reading now). We’ve been in touch with them but their email system seems to have a large back log […]

Free Sample of Jif Peanut Butter To Go

Head over to Target to request a free sample of JIF to go! Thanks MoJo Savings!

Earn a Free Bottle of Gain – Video Testamonial Contest

This is an easy way to nab a free bottle of Gain detergent if you have  one of those handy portable video recorders or can record video on your cell phone. Really, it will take you about 2 minutes! Gain is having a contest and they want to hear if you smell like a million […]

Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs Just .94 at Target

We told you about the awesome hot dog coupons out now (you can read that previous coupon alert here), and here is a great way to use the Oscar Mayer $1 off 2 hot dogs coupon to save big at Target! Buy 2 Oscar Mayer hot dogs @$2.19 each (regular price) Use $1/2 printable coupon […]

Save $1 on Ritz and Coke – New Coupon and Scenario at Wags

Print this $1 off Ritz Crackers and a 2 liter of Coke coupon for some nice savings.  There is no size restriction on the Ritz. At Walgreens this week the small Ritz are on sale for just .99 with in ad coupon (good until 6/25). Buy 1 Ritz @ .99 But 1 2 liter @1.59 […]

Money Maker at Rite Aid on Zantac

Woo-hoo!  Head on over to Rite Aid this week to make some money and score free Zantac! Here is the scoop, as seen on The Krazy Coupon Lady: Zantac on sale for $7.99 (24 count) Use this $5 printable coupon and use $2 Video Values printable coupon (don’t know what Video Values is?  Read all […]